Introducing The Signal, an updated Kinaxis blog

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Introducing The Signal, an updated Kinaxis blogYou may have noticed a few changes on the Kinaxis blog recently. For over a decade, we have provided recommendations to make managing your supply chain easier: we’ve featured news and strategies for improving supply chain planning, insights from our own experts and case studies from our growing customer base. But as our company and our supply chain planning software reached new heights, our blog’s look and feel remained stuck in the past. Today, that changes.

We’re embracing a new name, The Signal, and a new, more user-friendly design. Our blog is and always will be a home for elevating the best ideas in supply chain planning. Our redesign now enhances our ability to do that across two fronts – first, with features that promote new voices from diverse backgrounds and second, with a layout that gives us the flexibility to serve a variety of audience needs.

New voices

We know that when it comes to supply chain planning, you’re tired of the buzzwords and hype that cloud the space today. You don’t want to know about hypothetical futures. You want guidance on how you can make improvements that will prepare you for the challenges of today and tomorrow. We want to cut through the clamor to share strategies that will make a difference to your work. In other words, we’re prioritizing the signal above the noise. Hence, our new name.

You may notice our homepage now includes a section for “Featured contributors.” We’ll be including more writers from inside and outside of Kinaxis over the coming weeks and months. Each will provide depth and expertise on topics like analytics, machine learning, sustainability, hiring and industry-specific challenges. Don’t expect these posts to just skim the surface. We plan for this section to become a hot spot for new ideas, a place where you can follow your favorite authors or discover new influencers.

New layout

Our redesigned homepage also makes it easier for us to share the best daily news and insights at moments when they’re most relevant to you. The highlighted news at the top of our page is the perfect place to land if you only have time to read one or two stories. If you want to go deeper, our “Recommended for you” section takes you to posts directly tailored to your interests, so there’s no need for scanning and scrolling.

For our regular readers, we’ve also updated our primary navigation, so it’s easier to search our archives for the materials that meet your planning needs. Filter by industry, application, best practices and more.

Finally, whether you’re a regular or new to our blog, we’ve updated our emailed monthly digest of posts. Subscribe now, so you’re always on top of the latest updates. We hope you like the new redesign and that you'll become an avid reader (if you aren't already).

Let us know what you think of the updates in the comments below. Happy reading!

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