Best of the Best Supply Chain Blog Posts of 2014

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As you take time over the holidays to sit back and reflect, here are the top ten excerpts from the best of the best posts on the Kinaxis supply chain blog. They touch on hot topics and industry trends discussed over the past year, so grab a coffee (or a spiked eggnog) and enjoy! We look forward to continuing the conversation in the New Year.

#1 “And much as we have had to rethink the first applications that were simply a digitization of a paper-based paradigm, we need to rethink how we structure our organizations and get work done to get maximum utility out of the digital world.” FROM SMAC in the Middle of Supply Chain Change

#2 “Visibility is losing its clarity.” FROM Visibility is Losing Its Clarity

#3 “The ‘ah-ha’ moments are the catalyst to innovation.” FROM “Storage Wars” Rescues Supply Chain Ignominy

#4 “Many companies have several instances of ERP, each deployed differently. Despite many moving to a single instance of ERP there are still many ‘shadow IT’ required to do what the core ERP solution cannot. And then there is the planning layer, which is even less harmonized or standardized. Most business people consider this an IT problem. Guess what? It isn’t going away until the business makes solving the data issue their issue.” FROM Gartner Supply Chain Leaders Conference – What Will Be Hot?

#5 “Tell me if you’ve heard this one before. Your company has implemented an S&OP process. At first it showed some promise, but now it has turned into a blamefest, attended - if at all - by lower level representatives that aren’t empowered to make decisions.” FROM Poorly Executed or Non-Existent S&OP Is Costing Your Supply Chain Money

#6 “…a supply chain planning system of record should be focused on how it can drive tangible business outcomes not just on how to run the supply chain planning function.” FROM Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Supply Chain Planning System of Record

#7 “…Yet my contemporaries are the ones making large decisions about organizational structures, processes, and solutions that are rooted in mental models developed and perfected in the 1970s and 1980s. And far too many of the analysts and management consultants continue to position these mental models as best practice. They are not; they are yesterday’s practice.” FROM Do Supply Chain Planning Systems Generate Any Value?

#8 “Collaboration is not about ’being social', it’s about making information available, connecting people and improving business processes.” FROM Purposeful Collaboration: What It Could Mean for Your S&OP Process

#9 “… even the smartest people can juggle no more than nine variables when making decisions. Since there are a lot more than nine variables that need to be considered when making a cross-functional decision in supply chain, the solution was to eliminate the people and let a machine make an ‘optimal’ decision. It is time that we corrected this imbalance.” FROM The Eternal Dilemma of Decision Making: Human Judgment or Machine Optimization

#10  “Supply chain visibility alone won’t yield effective supply chain orchestration; it is a prerequisite capability, among others.” FROM Overcoming the Challenges to Achieving End-to-End Supply Chain Visibility  

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