The ultimate Kinaxis credential

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It all started a little more than two years ago with two supply chain management certification exams — Kinaxis® Certified RapidResponse® Author Level 1 and Kinaxis Certified RapidResponse Administrator Level 1. Since then, we’ve grown our supply chain management exam portfolio to provide exams for contributors, authors and administrators, while also adding integration- and application-focused exams. We’ve also added three new credential levels to help partners and employees qualify for integration and solution consultant roles, which go beyond formal written exams to include training in soft skills and practical field experience. Combined, these exams and achievements create a firm foundation upon which to build toward our ultimate, top-level credential, the Kinaxis Certified RapidResponse Master.

Becoming a Kinaxis Certified RapidResponse Master

Representing the highest achievement in RapidResponse expertise, along with the respect and experience that comes with a supply chain industry thought leader, this credential symbolizes more than just having passed a series of exams. A Kinaxis Certified RapidResponse Master demonstrates practical field experience and a well-rounded background in the supply chain industry. To qualify, he or she has worked in all Kinaxis RapidResponse job roles, has been a leader on multiple engagements across different verticals, has performed a variety of integrations and has implemented multiple applications. A Master is a distinguished individual with multiple talents and is highly respected within the Kinaxis ecosystem. With credential requirements developed by cross-functional senior Kinaxis leadership and input from the partner community, the road to becoming a Kinaxis Certified RapidResponse Master is a steep but reachable height. Potential Masters must have:

  • Five years in the supply chain industry
  • Level 2 Integration or Solution Consultant credentials
  • Level 3 Integration or Solution Consultant credentials
  • Three years direct experience on Kinaxis projects or engagements
  • Six months (or 1000 hours) working in at least two different supply chain verticals
  • Deployed at least four different applications
  • Two or more years as a mentor, coach or leader in supply chain management
  • Acted as an influencer through blogs, executive presentations, or decisions that have a significant business impact (Complete details on this requirement can be found the Kinaxis Certification (login required) page in the Supply Chain Expert Community.)

Qualifying candidates must submit appropriate documentation and/or proof of achievement. A peer review board comprised of Kinaxis stakeholders and senior members in the partner community will evaluate the submission. As rigorous as it is prestigious, the rank of Kinaxis Certified RapidResponse Master signifies worthy candidates who will continue their careers having earned our highest honor and distinction.

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