Business Reporter: The Future of the supply chain

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Trevor Miles on achieving the path to supply chain transparency

When it comes to creating the perfect supply chain, it all starts with transparency. That’s the stance of Kinaxis thought leader Trevor Miles (follow @milesahead on Twitter), who recently sat down with Business Reporter journalist Alastair Greener in London, England to discuss the future of supply chain, and what the perfect supply chain might look like. According to Trevor, achieving supply chain transparency removes the “I didn’t know” excuse from the supply chain equation – an excuse that can be traced all the way back to the 1960s. “Most of the processes we use to manage supply chain were defined in the 1960s when there weren’t any real computers, the advent of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) was nowhere on the horizon, and the internet and web browsers were just figments of our imagination,” says Trevor. Fast forward 60 years. Modern-day technologies exist to manage the supply chain, yet we’re still using processes and organizational structures defined from ideas dating from the 1960s.

Why the future of the supply chain looks different

Join Trevor as he identifies the barriers that are still in play and explores the difference between doing digital and being digital. He’ll also discuss how only one is the path to supply chain transparency and a future featuring the perfect supply chain. Watch Trevor Miles’ interview, “Business Reporter: The Future of the supply chain.”




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