You might be expediting too much IF...

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A couple weeks ago, I posted a message titled “Expediting versus Planning?” A lot of response and comments were received with some valuable insight and recommendations on how to reduce expediting and its relation to effective planning.

I appreciate all the valuable input from some very experienced and knowledgeable supply chain professionals, but thought I would take a little break, and on a less serious side, try to create a little comedy on the subject.

There is a comedian here in the US, Jeff Foxworthy, who is famous for his “You might be a redneck” jokes. I am copying his format - I hope I do not get any trouble related to comedian patent regulations or something like that! “You might be expediting too much...”

  • IF, you are amassing major points in your Air Frieght carriers “frequent flyer program”…
  • IF, you constantly get emails from your Land/Sea carriers saying “We miss you, please come back”…
  • IF, your key supplier ran out of bright orange “hot order” stickers to place on travelers and had to place a rush, expedited purchase order for more stickers…
  • IF, even though your “Material Expediters” canceled their gym memberships but are actually in the best shape ever…
  • IF, you use half of your white board to prioritize which late parts need to be expedited by keeping score of angry phone calls from production...
  • IF, you use the other half of your white board to track supplier promise dates for late/shortage parts and you have run out of space…
  • IF, you have not logged into your company’s MRP system for weeks because none of the dates are accurate… You might be expediting too much.

OK, these are obviously starting to get worse, so I am going to stop.

Any more to add? Join in!


- 6월 15, 2010 at 12:56오후
When you are captain morganing rides off of your expediters.

Bill DuBois
- 6월 16, 2010 at 2:10오후
Nice one Max! One more, IF you know by heart all the tracking numbers for the last month's expedites but forgot that it was your wedding aniversary...OK, one more, IF you asked for a new pair of running shoes and a pack of highlighters for Christmas.
- 6월 23, 2010 at 2:53오후
If you want to add another row to your spreadsheet but there isn't one available...
Max Jeffrey
- 6월 30, 2010 at 3:55오후
A couple of more...

You might be expediting too much...

IF, you have ordered pizza for lunch and tried to talk the pizza delivery guy into stopping by a local supplier to pick up parts.

IF, you have at least once, answered a phone call from a customer and faked that you were an automated phone system.

IF, the lead times in your ERP system generally have a note attached to them saying "only in your dreams".

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