Kinaxis co-ops and interns develop careers, make lasting connections

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The transition from student to professional often finds its crucial bridge in the form of a co-op term or internship. At Kinaxis, we believe in nurturing our students’ growth and helping them develop their careers. We spoke with a cross-section of Kinaxis Co-Op/Interns to share some stories from their placements. Read on to find out what they have to say!

Sara Nguyen

Sara is completing her fourth term as a Visual Design Intern.

Headshot of Kinaxis intern Sara Nguyen

How would you describe the culture at Kinaxis? I would describe the culture at Kinaxis to be very inclusive, everyone has such a positive attitude. While working on the UX team I had opportunities to work with other teams and everyone is respectful, kind, and supportive. 

What have you learned in your time at Kinaxis? I've learned to develop my communication skills to convey my ideas while also actively listening and overcoming my fear of asking for feedback. It’s important to take the time to learn and observe from senior designers and researchers and take the time to be proactive, open-minded and reflect.

What are some of the highlights of your experience at Kinaxis? The most memorable highlight would be going to the Toronto office for the first time! It was super fun to meet some of my co-workers in person and have a nice bonding experience.

What are some of the projects that you have worked on during your placement? A few projects that I've worked on as part of the UX design team were creating new widget designs for RapidResponse®, new design dialogs and installers, and working in Figma to design components. Other projects as part of the UXR team were to create my own survey and conduct a usability test study.

What advice would you give to an incoming Co-Op/Intern? Ask questions and share your ideas. This is a learning experience, and you will have support from your team. Take this opportunity to venture out and try new skills and grow.

Dhara Patel

Dhara completed her second term as an Intern Software Developer on our Core Algorithms Team. 

Headshot of Kinaxis intern Dhara PatelHow would you describe the culture at Kinaxis? The culture at Kinaxis is best characterized by its welcoming atmosphere and collaborative spirit. As an intern, I felt deeply integrated into the fold from day one, thanks to our friendly and supportive environment. True to our core values—Stronger Together and Laugh Often—there's a community vibe where every individual, regardless of team or position, is willing to lend a helping hand.

What have you learned in your time at Kinaxis? I have acquired many skills in my time at Kinaxis. I gained a lot of technical skills as a developer by having the chance to contribute to a vast codebase and work with C++. Not only did I gain insights into the best coding practices through PR reviews and knowledge shares, but my work here also deepened my understanding of supply chain management.

What are some of the highlights of your experience at Kinaxis? Some memorable moments during my time at Kinaxis include social hour meetings and ping-pong matches with my coworkers, where I had the chance to bond and share a few laughs amidst the workday hustle. Also, participating in events like the Cookie Game and KinHack was a lot of fun, allowing me to learn and meet new people in the organization.

What are some of the projects that you have worked on during your placement? The main project I worked on as a developer in the Core Algorithms team was the MLS Diagnostics Workbook Visualization. The Diagnostics workbook is a critical tool used by the MLS team to analyze and debug. The visualization enhances the usability of the workbook. It is helpful for other teams that want to gain a deeper understanding of the MLS algorithms and the decisions made at different levels of the supply chain.

What advice would you give to an incoming Co-Op/Intern? It can be quite overwhelming navigating through onboarding, but it is okay to ask for help, anyone on your team will be happy to help. Also, participate in as many events at Kinaxis as possible, it will allow you to not only learn new things, but also make great connections along the way.

Aakash Jadhav

Aakash is currently working on our Analytics Solutions Team as an Intern Analytics Solutions Developer on his third semester.

Headshot of Aakash Jadhav, Kinaxis internHow would you describe the culture at Kinaxis? The culture at Kinaxis is like a lively and energetic tapestry, woven with teamwork and togetherness. We're not just colleagues; we feel like a close-knit community. There's a strong sense of support and encouragement that fuels our success, and we even find humor to lighten tough situations. It's like being part of a big family, sharing a passion for data and analytics, and having fun along the way!

What have you learned in your time at Kinaxis? During my time at Kinaxis, I've grown both professionally and personally. I've learned valuable technical skills like data analysis, machine learning, and project development. But more than that, I've discovered the power of teamwork. Working with different teams has taught me the importance of understanding diverse perspectives. And yes, I've learned to tackle challenges with a positive attitude and a good sense of humor!

What are some of the highlights of your experience at Kinaxis? My experience at Kinaxis has been full of memorable moments. One highlight was Hackathon where we automated processes and improved forecasting accuracy. Seeing the impact of our solutions on the team's efficiency was so rewarding. Another great experience was working on an analytics framework for retail and manufacturing. It was exciting to see our work come to life and make a real impact.

What are some of the projects that you have worked on during your placement? At Kinaxis, we're always at the forefront of technology. I had the privilege of working on various analytics projects, leveraging cutting-edge tools like the OPEN AI platform with API keys. One standout project involved creating a video meeting summarizer, which condensed long discussions into short highlights. Another thrilling project was developing an automated unit test generation tool for developers, saving us time and effort. It's amazing to be part of a team that embraces innovation and pushes the boundaries of analytics possibilities!

What advice would you give to an incoming Co-Op/Intern? Approach the experience with curiosity and a willingness to learn. Embrace new challenges and be proactive in seeking opportunities to contribute. Stay organized, communicate, and build strong relationships with your colleagues. Ask for feedback and be open to continuous improvement. Take care of your well-being and enjoy the journey. This internship is a valuable stepping stone, so make the most of it, and you'll gain not just skills but also lasting memories and connections.

Can you share a funny moment from your time at Kinaxis? There was this one time when I was having a screen-sharing session with my team lead. We were going through some analytics results and discussing our findings. Little did I know that my second screen was still playing some of my drone footage videos from my vacation!

As we were deep into the discussion, suddenly, we heard the sound of waves and views of scenic landscapes filling the screen. I was completely taken aback, and my team lead couldn't help but chuckle. I quickly realized my mistake and frantically closed the video and apologized. From that day on, it became a running joke.

Julia Tam

Julia completed her second term with Kinaxis as a Sales Data Coordinator Intern in our Global Sales Operations team. She worked both PT and FT placements to align with her school schedule.

Headshot of Kinaxis intern Julia TamHow would you describe the culture at Kinaxis? The company fosters a family-like environment that feels supportive and inclusive of employees coming from different backgrounds. The company’s continued commitment to being welcoming creates a compelling workplace that motivates individuals to thrive together as a united team, nurturing the growth and success of its employees.

What have you learned in your time at Kinaxis? During my eight months at Kinaxis, I have learned the value of having a supportive and collaborative work environment. Colleagues have consistently demonstrated genuine willingness to lend a helping hand which allows me to explore and gain exposure in diverse projects, fostering a culture that encourages personal and professional growth.

What are some of the highlights of your experience at Kinaxis? The summer events were the most memorable. I enjoyed and highly recommend attending the Kinaxis In-Concerts, patio party, and free treat events (Beavertails, croffles, breakfast) if you get the chance!

What are some of the projects that you have worked on during your placement? During my internship, I conducted research to determine suitable partners in various geographical regions by leveraging data tools. Beyond data analyses, I have gained marketing exposure by creating overview/landing pages and publishing training materials to aid account executives during their onboarding process.

What advice would you give to an incoming Co-Op/Intern? To an incoming Co-Op/Intern within the Global Sales Operations department, I would encourage you to seek clarity by asking questions until you fully grasp the concepts because data accuracy and validity is crucial as it serves as a foundation for management to make well-informed decisions.

However, to all incoming Co-Op/Intern students, I would encourage you to proactively seek opportunities that contribute to projects aligned with your passions and long-term goals. Embrace the chance to expand and build upon your skillset knowing that the company values your growth and is likely to welcome your eagerness to be involved!

If these personal insights sound like the kind of professional experience you’re looking for, be sure to check out our current Co-Op/Intern opportunities by visiting

Check back often, as more roles will be posted soon!

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