Hear why people love working at Kinaxis

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“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” That quote’s been attributed to Aristotle and although he hasn’t been around for a very long time, there’s something timeless to be said for enjoying your everyday work. 
Work isn’t a fun word to most people. After all, it’s the opposite of play. However, work is a huge part our lives – on average, we spend nearly a third of our lives at work. So why not make that time as rewarding and enriching as possible? And better yet, what if you could actually have fun in the process? 
At Kinaxis, that’s a reality for our employees. We’re serious about our motto: “People Matter Here.” Our culture is woven into the fabric of everything we do. Helping the world’s most successful companies manage complex global supply chains means Kinaxis has an impact on how we all get the products, goods and services we need, when we need it. From the food we eat to the planes we travel on and everything in between, we all depend on the people behind supply chain planning to keep our world functioning.  
We gathered several of our Kinaxis employees to share thoughts on what it’s like to work for Kinaxis. From industry veterans to past co-op students who’ve since joined us full-time, our diverse team is distributed around the world, but closely connected. Our headquarters is in Ottawa, Canada and we have offices in Toronto, Chennai, Tokyo, Rotterdam, and more. We’re able to be together in person, but we also have hundreds of remote employees tapped into everything that makes Kinaxis a great place to work. 

Watch our new video and hear more about our commitment to helping grow strong careers, maintaining healthy work-life balance (it really does help people be more productive when they’re not stressed out!), and nurturing genuine relationships based on respect and trust in one another so we can have fun while doing work with important impact.  

Find a fulfilling, challenging career that helps you achieve personal growth at Kinaxis. There’s no reason to settle in your work, so if you’re seeking a great job you’ll love, take it from one of our employees: “I've been working for over 20 years and this is the best company I've ever worked for.” 

Click the photo to watch the video!

Large group of enthusiastic, happy Kinaxis employees wearing red Kinaxis T-shirts

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Check out our careers page for opportunities to join our award-winning workplace.

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