Supply Chain Orchestration

Get Your Supply Chain in Sync.

Discover the power of orchestration

Horse-drawn carriages. Typewriters. Video players. As better, more efficient tools have emerged, all these things have been largely consigned to history. Yet, when it comes to supply chain management, many companies are stuck in the past, making ends meet with manual processes and spreadsheets. 

The result is a disconnected, dysfunctional supply chain that is no match for today’s complexities. Or tomorrow’s unknowns. 

It's time to move on

Supply chain orchestration synchronizes your end-to-end supply chain, breaking down siloes to drive unparalleled agility, transparency, and trust.  

Kinaxis is the only platformthat lets you seamlessly coordinate all stages in the multi-enterprise supply chain - across every time horizon, every business process, and every organizational boundary – from your suppliers’ suppliers’ suppliers to your customers’ customers’ customers. 

Seamless end-to-end supply chain orchestration

It's time for a new approach

With Kinaxis, planners get real-time data visibility, scenario-building capabilities for infinite situations and smarter decision-making to produce high-quality, realistic plans. Logistics and operations teams improve order optimization and alignment across customers, carriers and other partners to ensure high customer service levels at the lowest possible cost.

Kinaxis is the only platform that enables companies to orchestrate their end-to-end network, from multi-year strategic planning through down-to-the-second execution and last mile delivery.

Our single platform lets you:

Kinaxis Connect Panning and Execution Icon

See all transactions in a single format – no more bouncing between systems or navigating a sea of spreadsheets to see the complete picture 

Kinaxis Streamline Efficiency Icon

Instantly understand the impact of any change on all upstream and downstream activities and the bottom line 

Kinaxis Meeting Customer Demands Icon

Compare unlimited scenarios and their business impact in seconds to make the best decision under current conditions

Kinaxis Getting Ahead of Risks and Opportunities Icon

Continuously increase autonomous decision-making by automatically learning from exception events to improve overall plan and execution accuracy 

Kinaxis Seamlessly Connect Planning and Execution

Seamlessly connect planning and execution to reduce the lag time between making a plan and implementing it, leading to greater efficiency, lower operational costs, reduced lead times and greater overall adaptability 

The techniques and processes that we’ve relied on for the past 30 years will not survive the next three.”
Rogerio Branco
Chief Supply Chain Officer
Eaton Corporation
At the end of the day, every dollar we spent on agility has probably got a 10x return on every dollar spent on forecasting or scenario planning.”
Mark Engel
Chief Supply Chain Officer
Our key objective is to ensure customers get the best possible service at the best possible rate. Supply chain orchestration is helping us do that.”
Brett Sauerman
General Manager of Freight Management Solutions
DSV Solutions

Global leader in modern supply chain management

Serving supply chains and the people who manage them in service of humanity, we’re trusted by renowned global brands to provide the agility and predictability needed to navigate today’s volatility and disruption. Explore our solutions today.

Supply Chain Planning

Supply Chain Execution